
By May 2024, Marsh Fork Elementary will show an increase of 15 percentage points, in the percent of students proficient in Reading, based on the Fall to Spring scores on iReady Reading in K-5th Grade. 

By May 2024, Marsh Fork Elementary will show an increase of 15 percentage points, in the percent of students proficient in Mathematics, based on the Fall to Spring scores on iReady Math in K-5th Grade. 

By May 2024, Marsh Fork Elementary will show an increase in attendance, as evidenced by less than 25% of our students being chronically absent.

Additional Goals:

By May 2024, 100% of the SwD subgroup will score above their typical growth expectation on iReady Reading Diagnostic. 

By May 2024, 100% of the SwD subgroup will score above their typical growth expectation on iReady Math Diagnostic.